Labels: Dream song
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable.
Tiutchev, Fedor (1803–1873)O chem ty voesh', vetr nochnoj, O chem tak setuesh' bezumno? Chto znachit strannyj golos tvoj, To gluho-zhalobnyj, to shumnyj? Ponyatnym serdcu yazykom Tverdish' o neponyatnoj muke, I roesh' i vzryvaesh' v nem Poroj neistovye zvuki. O, _strashnyh_ pesen sih ne poj Pro _drevnij haos_, pro rodimyj! Kak zhadno mir dushi nochnoj Vnimaet povesti lyubimoj! Iz smertnoj rvetsya on grudi I s _bespredel'nym_ zhazhdet slit'sya. O, bur' usnuvshih ne budi: Pod nimi haos shevelitsya!..
Labels: Red Death