Sunday, December 30, 2007

Apie Mokslą

Mokslas yra įmontuotas klaidų taisymo mechanizmas


Saturday, December 29, 2007

My goodbye

Kiss by kiss
Is how I will tell my goodbye
[Katie Melua | Piece by Piece | 2005]


My golden sun

Take me to a sunrise
Give me all the best i know i'm driven
Take me to a sunset
Take me to the tale where music'n'all is living

Sun goes up
and I get up from my bed
where together
all day lon'lon'lon'long i'm glad
I always keep my hair high
Look up to the sky
My eyes reflect the light
And when i look at you
Your face is so bright
I feel all right
Today i can search 
Cause i know that i will find
I'm not blind
And if i find 
It will be mine, ah

Hold it tight
And i'll share it 
Will the other sisters and brothers

No more shut the door
Let's meet on the shore
We'll never be alone anymore
Cause we'll explore 
Different places
It contains beloved spaces
Mountain of joy
And music in the air
Everywhere white clouds
Won't sample me
My golden sun

BrassBastardz (LT) - Sunrise Sunset



Prie moralės kryžkelės susitinka mokslas ir religija.
Tikrai yra daugiau nei du keliai, tikiuosi bent kokie keturi - 2 + 2
Kuriuo keliu kas eina?


Friday, December 28, 2007


Dėmesys - išpopuliarėsuji XXI amžiuje prekė



Ore pasklinda cinamono kvapas ir viskas pasidaro panašu į jaukų sapną. Mintys išnyksta pradingsta, lieka tik lekiantys tamsūs kelio žibintai ir Kūčios


Geriausių vynų top 20

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Ant ežero stovi taip tyliai, kad girdi kaip sninga. Ne visai, bet čia panašu:


Friday, December 21, 2007

that love

All hearts don't break the same
taken from Steve Lukather - Born yesterday

Tomorrow starts today

There is always tomorrow

Tomorrow starts today


Monday, December 17, 2007

First I kiss your ear

First I kiss your ear

Then I sting your breast

And I touch your lips


Friday, December 14, 2007

Iš mano meilės tau gimė Meilė

Ir yra nuostabu, kad gimusi Meilė nėra mūsų ryšys. Gimusi meilė turi augti kaip mažas vaikas ir gyventi savo gyenimą :) O aš tu ir kiti toliau elgsimės keistai, įvairiais motyvais, su klydimais ir grįžimais į kelią. Tik vat vienas klausimas vis kirba - į ką lygiuosis užgimusi Meilė, kas bus jai pavyzdys? (čia optimistinis klausimas :P )


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

And I built a home

There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home

And I built a home
For you
For me
Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time
To live
And time
To die

I'm in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the colour of green
Ground had arose in past its knees

By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
Held on as tightly as you held on me
Held on as tightly as you held on me

And I built a home
For you
For me
Until it disappeared
From me
From you
And now, it's time
To live
And time
To die


Raudona Mirtis


Friday, December 07, 2007

Look around, choose your own ground

But don't leave me

Look around
Choose your own ground

All you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
*taken from PF*


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Unthinkable surprises

unthinkable surprises about to happen but what they are? beje, ar žinojote, kad Bjork iš tiktrųjų reikia tari ne [bjiork], o [bdžerk], panašiai kaip angliškai tariamas jerk, tik tai bjerk :) Čia per vieną interviu ji pati taip prašė :)


Monday, December 03, 2007

She's walking through the clouds

Well shes walking through the clouds
With a circus mind thats running round
Butterflies and zebras
And moonbeams and fairy tales
Thats all she ever thinks about
Riding with the wind.

Riding with the wind
She feels like Hiroshima
And singing into clouds
Dives like a dolphin
And I know it's cold right there
I know it aches so softly
Like walking through the clouds
With zebras and butterflies
That's all she flies about
